Martial Arts
& Combat Sports


as provided by
Gianfranco Lanucara

MANONUDA is a Martial Arts identity created by Gianfranco Lanucara, and followed by practitioners and instructors around the world.


Meet the Coach

Based in Brussels and active worldwide, Gianfranco is an expert in different martial arts, combat sports, and self-defense disciplines. He got a “no-bullshit” approach to the practice, where only true dedication and quality, for both learning and teaching, is what actually counts.

He’s in fact very innovative as a teacher, but in an “old-school” way.

His knowledge is the fruit of years of personal research and training, but also the result of his inclination for a deep understanding of all the technical details behind every art that he teaches.


His teaching is based on the modular structure of each individual program that he developed, but also on the creative component that he naturally brings in the mix.

Gianfranco loves to teach and to share his way and his vision with truly passionate people.

His goal is to make his students, as well as himself, a better person through the integration of Martial Arts practice and philosophy into one’s life.

You owe it to yourself to get the best possible training, and that comes by choosing the best possible teacher.

Embrace your Martial Arts journey with motivation,
dedication, and persistence.

Keep going, and never give up!


Get certified in our programs

Go through 10 levels of progression, all the way up to become a Certified Instructor in one or more of our programs.

Whether it’s to become a MANONUDA official affiliate, or to just fulfill your passion, we provide certification within a structured ranking system in order to guide you smoothly, and with consistency, through all the learning stages.

We don’t give anything away, as others may do, because we value effective work over business expansion. So, when you earn it with MANONUDA, you know you’re a real deal!